When you look through the photos, memories will come to life and it’ll be as though you’re in that moment all over again. These images will be preserved not only for you, but your children and future generations to come!
Hey there, friend! I know planning a wedding is a whirlwind of emotions and decisions. One of the biggest choices you’ll make is selecting the perfect photographer to capture your special day. That’s where I come in! I’m Courtney LaSalle, and I want to share a bit about why my approach to wedding photography might […]
A couples Session with Courtney LaSalle Photography in Orange Texas. The couple was a little more on the camera shy side, but quickly warmed up!
In a world that often tells us what beauty should look like, there is immense power in embracing our true selves and loving every part of who we are. Self-love is crucial to our mental health, as it increases self-awareness, motivates positive behavior, and fosters determination. Our relationship with ourselves is the truest and longest […]
Southeast Texas Photographer / Courtney LaSalle
The Woodlands at The Waterway evening Engagement session with Hunter + Daymond
Unfortunately, the weather didn’t cooperate on John + Melissa’s wedding day. We decided on a Downtown Beaumont, Texas, Post Wedding-Session.
Why Documentary Wedding Photography is great for introverts!
Are you planning your wedding and wondering if you need a second photographer? This is one of the biggest questions asked when a couple is choosing their package. This may be an unpopular opinion, but usually, I’m going to say no, it isn’t necessary, BUT it can be an excellent addition! I have shot multiple […]
Melissa & John planned an intimate ceremony with their closest friends and family at the Jefferson County Courthouse. After the Ceremony, their loved ones would head over to Pappadeauxs to set up their celebration dinner. While the setup was happening, Melissa and John went to Downtown Beaumont and got their couples portraits (this was a […]
I’m so excited to show off these Bridals we recently did in Downtown Houston Texas! When Elisabeth reached out wanting to do bridals, I was so here for it! Her Wedding had already come and gone, but she was missing pictures in her Wedding dress! We got to talking and planning her session and thought […]